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Call for Papers

Submission deadline November 1, 2024 (AoE)
Acceptance notification December 18, 2024
Camera ready January 13, 2025
Workshop April, 2025
Submission website TBD

Call for Papers

The workshop aims to provide a platform for exchanging ideas on the future of federated learning surrounding audio applications. The main topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submission tracks

FLute 2025 will offer two primary submission tracks, both of which will be subject to a peer-review process. Works accepted in these tracks will be selected based on their technical quality and overall contribution to the event. The key distinctions between the tracks are outlined below:

(A) Full Paper Track

Submissions to the Full Paper Track should present well-developed, cohesive research with significant technical depth and clear, impactful relevance to federated learning for audio understanding. Accepted papers in this track will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

(B) Extended Abstract Track

The Extended Abstract Track is designed for submissions that foster insight and engagement at the event, whether through presenting innovative ideas, sparking meaningful discussions, sharing valuable resources, or facilitating new collaborations. This track is also particularly open to “non-traditional research artifacts,” such as papers introducing novel datasets, reporting insightful negative results, presenting preliminary findings that require prompt dissemination, conducting reproducibility studies, or offering opinion pieces and critiques.

Extended abstracts can be up to 2 pages, including references. While these abstracts will not be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, accepted authors will have the option (but are not required) to submit their work to and have it linked on the workshop’s website.

Submission details

The paper submission and reviewing process will be conducted through the ICASSP-2025 paper management system (Microsoft CMT) [Link available soon]. Full papers should abide by the ICASSP-2025 paper style, format, and length.

In recognition of outstanding contributions, FLute 2025 will present a Best Paper Award to the top submission. This award will honor the work that demonstrates exceptional technical merit, innovation, and impact within the field of federated learning for audio understanding.


Lorena Qendro (Nokia Bell Labs / University of Cambridge)
Soumyajit Chatterjee (Nokia Bell Labs)
Aaqib Saeed (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Akhil Mathur (Meta)
Paolo Bellavista (University of Bologna)
Björn W. Schuller (Technische Universität München (TUM) / Imperial College London/audEERING)